Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday's Adventures

Today was a pretty neat day. We got to drive up to Tucker Lake and go to the Wild Center. I thought the otters were very cool. I have never seen them up close before. The speaker said they enjoy showing off and they seemed too. They were doing flips and swimming around like crazy. They were very neat. At one of the exhibits Jen made me smell otter, mink and beaver scent and they all were disgusting!!! The classroom part of the Wild Center was also very cool. They had different drawers you could pull out that had a bunch of material about bears, turtles, frogs etc. We also took a walk on the trail and were able to see the solar roof and the green roof. It was nice to see them using and promoting green living!

After we were done there we drove back to Blue Mountain and went to the ADK Museum. I got caught in the store for awhile looking at books. I bought a bunch of children's books and teacher resources that were about the ADK or just outdoors and wildlife in general. After I spent too much money we went exploring the museum. I though the school house was very interesting. I can't believe that one hundred years ago (or even less) I would be teaching in a one room school house with minimum supplies and only making 320$ a year. It is crazy how times have changed so much!! We also so a hermits cabin in an exhibit. It was very very small, he couldn't have been able to even stand in the cabin. It was not even half of one of the rooms that we are sleeping in. It also made me wonder how many hermits are still in the mountains today. Although they may not be heard of or hardly ever seen, I am sure there are a handful or so spread around the mountains.

Overall the day was enjoyable. I learned many new things and had great conversations! Now its back to my project and portfolio...........!

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